What is Tadalafil used for? Unveiling its purpose

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Tadalafil is primarily used for the following purposes:

1. Treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED)

-it works by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5). This allows for a greater accumulation of cyclic monophosphate guanosin (cGMP) in the cavernous tissue of the penis. Increased cGMP causes relaxation of smooth muscles in the penis, allowing greater blood flow to this organ and consequently the appearance and maintenance of erection during sexual stimulation.

2. Treatment of benign prostate hypertrophy (HBP) with associated symptoms

What is Tadalafil used for? Unveiling its purpose

-it helps to relax the muscles of the lower urinary tract, including those of the prostate tissue. This may improve symptoms such as difficulty urinating, excessive urinary frequency, urinary urgency, and weakness in the urinary current associated with PPH.

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